Hierarchical Divine Liturgy - 21/02/09
On Saturday, the 21st of February, 2009, being the 8th of February in the Church calendar and the Commemoration of the Departed, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin, Germany, and Great Britain visited our parish and served the Liturgy among his people.
The parish had gathered the evening before and served Vespers and a Pannykhida for the departed. Vladyka arrived on Saturday morning and was warmly greeted by members of the parish.
During the Hours, Michael Astley was ordained as a Reader to serve in the parish. The Divine Liturgy followed. It was the first Hierarchical Liturgy at our little chapel of St Elisabeth and it saw approximately sixty people come to worship, including some visitors and some who learnt of us for the first time due to news of the visitation, and who have faithfully remained with us since. Trapeza followed the Liturgy, and we sang many years for Vladyka.
Our parish is somewhat geographically isolated from the rest of the diocese and it was a great blessing indeed to have our bishop come to visit us, especially at this turning point in the life of our parish as we seek to move to a new building. We offer our thanks to the All-holy Trinity, and pray that Vladyka Mark be granted many, many years.