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We are a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) in the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe (ROCOR), striving to live the Orthodox Faith.

We are a growing community from various backgrounds, with people from The Russian Federation, The Baltic States, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia and  the USA with some converts to Orthodoxy  and others exploring the Faith. At the last count we had 16 nationalities. We use the Julian Calendar and our services are mainly in English with some Church Slavonic. We are a traditional parish  and very welcoming. If you are Orthodox already and looking for a parish, we are a lovely community to join. If you are interested in the Orthodox faith you are most welcome to contact us. 


Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10.00 a.m. and some weekdays at 9.30 a.m. or just after

Contribution Lunch and talk by one of the clergy after the Liturgy on the last Sunday of the  month

Children's Church is normally once a month. Parents are contacted by WhasApp. We meet on a Sunday immediately after the Liturgy.

Vespers most Saturday evenings at 6.00 p.m. 

Those interested in becoming Orthodox should initially speak with or contact Father Paul

Catechumen quiet sessions on  occasional Saturdays  by arrangement with Fr Paul

There is normally an Akathist at 6.00 p.m. on a Tuesday  evening. In Lent it precedes the Presanctified Liturgy


For arrangements of services  please see the details below

       Father Paul, our parish priest, can be contacted on 07926194031 or frpaulelliott@aol.com






  • Regular members of the congregation will be informed of services by text message.
  • Private arrangements for confession or receiving of Holy Comunion are always possible.


      Church  services.


Date Service Time Notes  

Saturday 30th November


Great Vespers


6.00 p.m.




 Choir Practice at 5.00 p.m.

Sunday 1st December Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m.  Children's Church after the Liturgy  
Tuesday 3rd December Great Vespers 6.00 p.m.  Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple  
Wednesday 4th December Divine Liturgy 9.30 a.m.    
Saturday 7th December Great Vespers 6.00 p.m.    
Sunday 8th December Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m.    
Monday 9th December Akathist of the Kursk Root Icon and Spiritual Talk 6.00 p.m. Visit of Heiromonk Theodore  
Tuesday 10th December

Divine Liturgy


9.30 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

at Little St Elisabeth's 58 Shrewsbury Road, Oxton, CH43 2HY

at St Elisabeth's Wallasey

Saturday 14th December

Holy Baptism


Great Vespers

11.00 a.m.

2.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.

6.00 p.m.

Quiet afternoon in Church for Catechumens and enquirers...preparation for baptism  
Sunday 15th December Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m.    
Tuesday 17th December Akathist 6.00 p.m.    
Wednesday 18th December Moleben and Akathist of St Nicholas  7.30 p.m.    
Thursday 19th December Divine Liturgy 9.30 a.m. Feast of St Nicholas  
Saturday 21st December

Holy Baptism

Great Vespers

10.30 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

Sunday 22nd December Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m.    
Tuesday 24th December NO AKATHIST   Limited public transport etc  
Wednesday 25th December Divine Liturgy  9.30 a.m. St Spiridon and St Herman of Alaska  
Saturday 28th December  No Great Vespers      
Sunday 29th December Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. NO MEAL AFTER CHURCH THIS SUNDAY  
Wednesday1st January Moleben for the Civil New Year 9.30 a.m. May be limited Public Transport  
Saturday 4th January Great Vespers 6.00 p.m.    
Sunday 5th January Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. Forefeast of the Nativity of our Lord  

Monday 6th January 

Eve of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ

Royal Hours

Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil

Great Compline and Matins

7.30 a.m.

9.30 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

Tuesday 7th January Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. Followed by contribution Christmas Dinner  
Saturday 11th January

Divine Liturgy

Great Vespers

9.00 a.m

6.00 a.m..

Holy Innocents. Intercessions for unborn children at risk


Sunday 12th January Divine Liturgy of St James 10.00 a.m. NB This is an unusual Liturgy rarely served. It has 3 readings and is served in an ancient style  
Tuesday 14th January

Divine Liturgy of St Basil

Moleben and Akathist of St Seraphim of Sarov

9.30 a.m.

6.30 p.m.

Circumcision of our Lord and Feast of St Basil the Great  


Saturday 18th January


 Baptismal Liturgy of St John Chrysostom 

Matins and Great Compline


9.00 a.m.


6.00 p.m.

Eve of Theophany. Adult Baptisms on this day  
Sunday 19th January

Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters

Blessing of the Mersey

10.00 a.m.

After the Liturgy

Fish and Chips in New Brighton after the blessing of the River Mersey  
Tuesday 21st Jan


6.00 p.m.    
Saturday 26th Jan


  Fr Paul in Durham  
Sunday 26th January  Divine Liturgy  10.00 a.m. No contribution meal after Church instead Children’s Church.  
Tuesday 28th Jan Akathist  6.30 p.m.    
Saturday 1st Feb Vespers  6.00 p.m     
Sunday 2nd Feb Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. Children's Church?  
Tuesday 4th February  NO Akathist   Fr Paul away  
Friday 7th February  Holy Baptism




Saturday 8th February 

Holy Baptism


5.00 p.m.

6.00 p.m.

Sunday 9th February

Divine Liturgy

Holy Matrimony 

10.00 a.m.

1.15 p.m.

Artyom and Lilita  
Tuesday 11th February Akathist 6.00 p.m.    
Saturday 15th February

Divine Liturgy and blessing of candles


9.00 a.m.


6.00 p.m.


Fr Paul at the cathedral   
Sunday 16th February  Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. Bring candles for blessing  
Tuesday 18th February  Akathist 6.00 p.m.    
Saturday 22nd February




9.00 a.m.

6.00 p.m.


Possible pilgrimage to St Lazar's Bournville


Sunday 23rd February 

Divine Liturgy

Holy Matrimony


10.00 a.m.

1.15 p.m.


Maryna and Serhii Reshitko

Meatfare/ Maslenitsa after the wedding

Tuesday 25th February  Akathist  6.00 p.m.    
Saturday 1st March Vespers 6.00 p.m.    
Sunday 2nd March Divine Liturgy and ceremony of Forgiveness 10.00 a.m. Cheesefare Sunday  
Monday 3rd March  Great Compline and Canon of St Andrew of Crete 6.00 p.m.    
Tuesday 4th March Great Compline and Canon of St Andrew of Crete 6.00 p.m.    
Wednesday 5th March Canon of St Andrew of Crete 7.00 p.m. Canon only chanted this evening  
Thursday 6th March  Great Compline and Canon of St Andrew of Crete 6.00 p.m.    
Friday 7th March Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 6.00 p.m.    
Saturday 8th March Vespers 6.00 p.m.    
Sunday 9th March

Divine Liturgy

Prayers for the Sunday of Orthodoxy

10.00 a.m.    
Wednesday 12th March Akathist and Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 5.30 p.m.    
Saturday 13th March

Divine Liturgy


9.00 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

St Chad of Lichfield ( may be Liturgy at Telford)


Sunday 14th March Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. St Gregory Palamas  
Tuesday 18th March Akathist 6.00 p.m.    
Friday 21st March Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts  6.00 p.m.    
Saturday 22nd March 



9.00 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

Sunday 23rd March Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m, Sunday of Veneration of the Cross  
Wednesday 26th March Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 6.00 p.m.    

If you have any concerns please contact Father Paul on 07926194031 or frpaulelliott@aol.com




  • A new schedule of services has been published above for January, February and some of March. There may be extra services added to this.
  • Children's Church will meet after the Liturgy as announced.
  • The Divine Liturgy is currently served on occasional weekdays and Saturdays.  It is always served on Sundays at 10.00 a.m. Please check in the schedule of services published above.
  • A simple peoples' service book in English and Russian can be downloaded and printed. You can find more services under "Liturgica" on this website.
  • An Akathist or Moleben will be served most Tuesday evenings at 6.00 p.m. though in Lent it precedes the Presanctified Liturgy at 5.30 p.m. on a number of Wednesdays (see above).
  • Baptisms will normally take place on Saturday mornings during or immediately after Divine Liturgy or at about 10.00 a.m. or by private arrangement
  • Choir Practice has  resumed but is now up at church as announced.

Children are welcome at the Divine Liturgy. If they need a bit of "time out" there is a place for them in the side porch where mums or dads can sit with them with some toys and books and they can still see what is happening in the Liturgy. Children's Church tries to meet monthly on a Sunday after the Liturgy.

This Parish supports the Fund for Assistance. Please consider this in your giving.

 Father Paul will send £500 to this Christmas appeal this year. We are very fortunate at St Elisabeth's and so should look at opportunities to support those priests and parishes far less fortunate than ourselves.

Well done St Elisabeth's!


Fr Paul now serves a few more weekday services. 


Akathists of intercession

There will normally be an Akathist to the Mother of God or occasionally a Moleben served on Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. and some Wednesdays at 6.30p.m.   These services may be subject to change due to Fr Paul's commitments. It is best to text Fr Paul on 07926194031 to check if it is going ahead. There are details in the Timetable of services above.

Great Vespers

Great Vespers is often served on the eves of Great Feasts at 5.00 p.m. and on some Saturday evenings

Divine Liturgy

The Divine Liturgy is served on some Saturdays  at 9.00.a.m. and at 9.30 a.m. whenever possible on Great Feasts. 

Presanctified Liturgy

This will be served during Great Lent normally on most Wednesday evenings after the  Ninth Hour 


These are served on request and on some Saturdays during March and April or on Sundays after the Divine Liturgy

Hierarchal Unction

Bishop Irenei normally comes to St Elisabeth's to serve the Unction service in Great Lent. Details will be posted on the website nearer the time.


The Choir

Church Singing is a very important work in any Russian Orthodox Parish. Matushka Elizabeth is the choir director, assisted by Alison Sailor. They work hard to enable the choir to sing as beautifully as possible. We are blessed with some very good singers and the choir does a wonderful job creating the right prayerful atmosphere for the Holy Liturgy.  If you feel you are able to contribute to choral singing please speak to Matushka. We especially need singers for occasional and weekday services.

An initiative of our choir, Blessed by Metropolitan Nicholas, is in the promotion of an English-American Paschal Troparion composed by Alison Sailor and first performed at the Liturgical Music Conference in New Divievo, last year. If you would lie to hear it please follow the link below.


Please copy this into your browser if the link does not work


Servers at the Feast of The New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
Servers at the Feast of The New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
Servers at the Feast of The New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
At last a Stichar to fit Nicholas
At last a Stichar to fit Nicholas
At last a Stichar to fit Nicholas
New Red and Gold Vestments for the servers
New Red and Gold Vestments for the servers
New Red and Gold Vestments for the servers
Serving at the Holy Liturgy

Since the earliest times young men served in the altar. This is important work as it enables the Bishop or Priest to concentrate on the prayers. The traditional vesture for a server is the Stichar, which was originally a decorated garment which covered the toga in the Eastern Roman Empire. The vesture assists the server to step into the role and stay focused upon spiritual work. We have a number of servers at St Elisabeth's who greatly add to the solemnity of the service and therefore the sense of holiness. Some new vestments have just been made for them at the Convent of St Elisabeth, in Minsk. Some of the funding for this has come from Lena Miloshovich in memory of her mother Dushanka. The recently acquired red vestments are the kind donation of Subdeacon Pavel Lisitsin. Father Paul is very grateful for those who assist him in the altar. If you are interested in serving in the altar, please talk to Subdeacon Chad or Father Paul.

Fr Paul, Subdeacon Chad and Baby Anna
Fr Paul, Subdeacon Chad and Baby Anna
Fr Paul, Subdeacon Chad and Baby Anna
Baptising your child in St Elisabeth's


We are delighted that you would like to have your child baptised in our church. Baptisms are normally conducted at about 10:30 on a Saturday morning though other arrangements can be made. The post code of the church is CH45 5DE. Father Paul’s phone number is 07926194031 and his email is frpaulelliott@aol.com  Please fill in the online Baptism Registration form and email it to Fr Paul. For details of having your son or daughter baptised in St Elisabeth's please follow this link : Baptism in the Russian Orthodox Church



Ludmila and Paul's Wedding
Ludmila and Paul's Wedding
Ludmila and Paul's Wedding

Getting married in St Elisabeth's can be arranged. Normally, the couple must be married in the Registery Office first unless the Registrar is present. The couple should both be baptised and free to marry. The chief bridesmaid and the best man should be of the Orthodox faith. Couples should normally ask Fr Paul to seek a blessing from Bishop Irenei before the wedding is arranged especially if either the bride or the groom are not of the Orthodox Faith. A blessing can be granted, though any children of the marriage must be brought up Orthodox. Weddings take place normally at 13:00 on a Sunday and only then outside the church fasts.

St Elisabeth's Russian Orthodox Church - Liverpool, Wallasey, Birkenhead

This website is published with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe, (ROCOR)

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