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This section will be a work in progress. As the years go on, I will add to the daily menu of readings and quotations for each weekday in Great Lent. In the section below, click  on the blue script to hear the reading. For a much fuller commentary on each day in Lent,  I recommend that you look at Father Tryphon's "Morning Offering" throughout the weeks ahead. Father Tryphon is the Abbot of the  Monastery of the All Merciful Saviour on Vashon Island in the United States (ROCOR, Western American Diocese). A dear benefactor of our church, Father Spiridon, was a monk of this monastery. You can find this at: http://blogs.ancientfaith.com/morningoffering/

Father Tryphon has been seriously ill. Please pray for him.

The expulsion of Adam and Eve
The expulsion of Adam and Eve
The expulsion of Adam and Eve
The First Week of Great Lent


To hear the readings highlighted in blue below, you need 'Windows Media Player" found on most lap tops and PC's.

Scripture Reading for Monday

Isaiah 1:1-20 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"O my Judge and my Light Who alone knowest me and art coming again with Thine angels to judge the whole world, regard me then with Thy merciful eye and spare me, O Jesus. And have compassion on me who have sinned more than all mankind."

Scripture Reading for Tuesday

Isaiah 1:19-2:4 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Spare, O Saviour, Thy own creation, and seek as Shepherd Thy lost sheep: snatch the stray from the wolf, and make me a tame lamb in Thy sheep pasture"

Scripture reading for Wednesday

Isaiah 2:3-11 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"The alabaster jar of my tears, O Saviour, I pour out on Thy head as perfume, and like the harlot i cry to Thee, seeking Thy mercy. I offer prayer and ask to receive forgiveness."

Scripture reading for Thursday

Isaiah 2:11-21 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Have compassion and save me, have mercy upon me, O Son of David. Who didst heal with a word the demoniac. And let Thy voice of tender compassion speak to me as to the robber. Truly I tell you, you will be with Me in paradise when I rise in my glory."

Scripture reading for Friday

Isaiah 3:1-14 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"I know Thee as a calm haven, O Lord Christ, but forestall and deliver me from the innermost depths of sin and despair."

Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Second Week of Great Lent


To hear the readings highlighted in blue below, you need 'Windows Media Player" found on most lap tops and PC's.

Scripture Reading for Monday

Isaiah 4:2-6,5:1-7 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"If he who is righteous and blameless beyond all did not escape the snares and nets of the deceiver, what will you do, o my soul, who art sin-loving and wretched, if something unexpected happens to you? "

Scripture Reading for Tuesday

Isaiah 5:7-16 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Brief is my lifetime and full of pain and wickedness, but accept me in penitence and recall me to awareness of Thee."

Scripture reading for Wednesday

Isaiah 5:16-25 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"I have not listened to Thy voice, I have disobeyed Thy Scripture O Lawgiver, but accept me in penitence and recall me to awareness of Thee."

Scripture reading for Thursday

Isaiah 6:1-12 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Come to your senses, O my soul! Consider the deeds you have done, and bring them before your eyes pouring out drops of tears. Bodly tell your thoughts and deeds to Christ and be aquitted."

Scripture reading for Friday

Isaiah 7:1-14 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Establish, O Lord, my unstable heart on the rock of Thy commandments, for Thou only art Holy and Lord."

St Gregory Palamas
St Gregory Palamas
St Gregory Palamas

To hear the readings highlighted in blue below, you need 'Windows Media Player" found on most lap tops and PC's.

Scripture Reading for Monday

Isaiah 8.13-9.7(6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"He is my Helper and Protector, and has become my salvation. This is my God and I will glorify Him "

Scripture Reading for Tuesday

Isaiah 9.9-10.4 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Where shall I begin to lament the deeds of my wretched life? What first-fruit shall I offer O christ, for my present lamentation?"

Scripture reading for Wednesday

Isaiah 10.12-20 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Superessential Trinity, adored in Unity, take me from the heavy yoke of trangression, and in Thy compassion, grant me tears of compunction."

Scripture reading for Thursday

Isaiah 11.10-12.2 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"I have squandered in profligacy my substance, O Saviour, and I am barren of virtues and piety: but famished I cry: O Father of mercies, forestall and have compassion on me."

Scripture reading for Friday

Isaiah 13.2-13 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"O Lover of man, Who wishest that all should be saved, in Thy goodness recall me and receive me who repents."

The Veneration of the Cross
The Veneration of the Cross
The Veneration of the Cross
The Fourth Week of Great Lent

To hear the readings highlighted in blue below, you need 'Windows Media Player" found on most lap tops and PC's. Father Paul needs to go out and get new batteries! The readings will be on shortly.

Scripture Reading for Monday

Isaiah 14.24-32 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"This is my God and I will glorify Him. My father's God and I will exalt Him. For gloriously has He been glorified."

Scripture Reading for Tuesday

Isaiah 25.1-9 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"O Lover of mankind, Who wishes all to be saved, in Thy goodness, recall me and receive me who repentest"

Scripture reading for Wednesday

Isaiah 26.14-27.9 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Close not Thy door to me then O Lord, but open it unto me who repentest unto Thee."

Scripture reading for Thursday

Isaiah 28.14-22 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"I have buried with passions the beauty of the original image O my Saviour. Seek and find it, like the lost coin, I beseech Thee O Lord."

Scripture reading for Friday

Isaiah 29.13-23 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Establish, O Lord, my unstable heart on the rock of Thy commandments, for Thou only art holy and Lord."



St John Climacus
St John Climacus
St John Climacus
The Fifth Week of Great Lent

To hear the readings highlighted in blue below, you need 'Windows Media Player" found on most lap tops and PC's.

Scripture Reading for Monday

Isaiah 37.33-38.6 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Return, repent, uncover what is hidden. Say unto God Who knoweth all things, Thou knowest my secrets, O only Saviour: have mercy on me."

Scripture Reading for Tuesday

Isaiah 40.18-31 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"The mind is wounded, the body is feeble, the spirit is sick, the word has lost its power, life is ebbing away, the end is at the doors. O wrethced soul, what will you do when the Judge comes to try your case?"

Scripture reading for Wednesday

Isaiah 41.4-14 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Do not require of me fruits worthy of repentance, for my strength is spent in me. Grant me ever a contrite heart and spiritual poverty, that I may offer these gifts unto Thee as an acceptable sacrifice, O only Saviour."

Scripture reading for Thursday

Isaiah 42.5-16 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"O my Judge and my Light, Who alone knowest me and art coming again with Thine angels to judge the whole world, regard me then with Thy merciful eye and spare me O Jesus."

Scripture reading for Friday

Isaiah 45.11-17 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"I cried with my whole heart unto the merciful God and He heard me from the lowest place in Hades and raised my life out of corruption."

St Mary of Egypt
St Mary of Egypt
St Mary of Egypt
The Sixth Week of Great Lent

To hear the readings highlighted in blue below, you need 'Windows Media Player" found on most lap tops and PC's.

Scripture Reading for Monday

Isaiah 48.17-49.4 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Thou art my sweet Jesus, Thou art my Creator, in Thee, O Saviour, I shall be justified."

Scripture Reading for Tuesday

Isaiah 49.6-10  (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"O Trinity, Unity, O God, save us from all dilusion and temptation..."

Scripture reading for Wednesday

Isaiah 58.1-11 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"In Thee, the Conqueror of death, I have found the Source of Life, and from my heart, I cry unto Thee before my end: I have sinned. Be merciful unto me."

Scripture reading for Thursday

Isaiah 65.8-16 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Establish, O Lord, my unstable heart on the rock of Thy commandments, for Thou only art Holy and Lord."

Scripture reading for Friday

Isaiah 66.10-24 (6th Hour)

A verse from the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete

"Reject not the prayer of those who call upon Thee, O Lord: but have compassion upon us, O Lover of mankind..."

This website is published with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe, (ROCOR)

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