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Music for the Presanctified Liturgy
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Here you will find a collection of music generally reflecting what we use at St Elisabeth's.  Most of it is produced internally, based on general Russian Orthodox usage, while a few pieces are borrowed from elsewhere.  A handful of pieces have been recently composed.  All of it is manageable by a small choir of amateur singers and should help to foster congregational singing where desired.

A Choir Liturgy Book which is in use in St Elisabeth's is offered here for Parish Use. We acknowledge the labours of the Servant of God Cyprian who put much of this together. It is in 3 parts as a down loadable PDF which can be printed. Most of the Music is in English with some Transliterated Church Slavonic. It is a collated version of the music below in the Divine Liturgy section.  Please note that page 129 somehow got included twice in the scanning process but is the second half of the Hymn to the Mother of God for the Liturgy of St Basil. Other than that, the Liturgy Book works quite well.

Choir Book Part 1

Choir Book Part 2

Choir Book Part 3

We hope to shortly produce a similar Choir Book for Vespers and a number of other services for which we have constructed choir books..

Thanks to the labours of the Handmaiden of God Monica/Alison Sailor we now have a Presanctified Liturgy Choir Book

This is a work in progress.  More music will appear here as it is produced.  Please feel free to download it for your own parish use.

We are pleased to also be working with Orarion, the Orthodox music notation software, to create a section of our library with editable sheet music. This music can be accessed both as a PDF and also through the Orarion website. In Orarion, you can listen to the score, your singers can learn their vocal parts, and you can easily edit the sheet music to match your singers’ needs.

To use Orarion, you’ll need to register: https://orarion.co.uk. If you have any questions regarding the editable scores, please email support@vesperus.co.uk.


3rd March 2023

A very simple and beautiful setting of Psalm 33 to a Novrogod Chant which can be used in the Divine Liturgy if Psalm 33 is sung fully and in the Presanctified Liturgy instead of the Akathist Chant.

Psalm 33 Novrogod Chant

4th February 2023

A setting of the Beatitudes using the chant for "O my most gracious Queen" Krasnagorsk.  We will use this chant for church fasts beginning with the opening of the Lenten Triodion. 

Beatitudes Krasnagorsk 

4th February 2023

A moving hymn to the Mother of God from the Carpatho Russian tradition sung as a communion hymn during Great Lent both in the Liturgy of St Basil and the Presanctified Liturgy.

Sorrowful Mother or Stradal'na Mati

Sorrowful Mother with some transliteration

13th September 
Troparion, kontakion, and zadostoinik for the Nativity of the Mother of God.


30th August
Ton Dhespotin (plainchant), Ton Dhespotin (Astley), Eis polla eti (Astley), The prophets proclaimed, Let thy soul rejoice, Psalm 102 (quasi-antiphonal).

5th May
Trisagion (Sergei Trubachev)

This website is published with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe, (ROCOR)

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