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The Church of St Colman of Oughaval

A Parish of the
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia

Holy Colman, pray to God for us!

St Colman's church is a parish of the Orthodox Church in Stradbally, Ireland.  We are a part of the Diocese of Great Britain and Ireland of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and we welcome you to join us.

Our Patron Saint

Regular Services


St Colman

The Vita of Saint Colman

Saint Colman was a disciple of St Columba, Abbot of Iona and St Fintan, Abbot of Clonenangh. In the Martyrology of Tallagh he is included as Colman Mac h Laighsi on 15 May. He was of the family (clan) of Laoighsigh Ceannmoir, son of Conall Cearnach, a celebrated Ultonian hero who lived in the first century. His father was Lugna and his grandfather was Eugene. Their tribe-name was Mac Ua Loighse.

The first mention of St Colman, a pious youth and native of the Portlaoise area in the Province of Leinster, is in the Life of St Fintan of Clonenagh. He desired to dedicate his whole life to the service of Christ in prayer and ascetic labour. To this end he made a pilgrimage to Iona to seek spiritual counsel from the renowned abbot of that holy island, St Columba. He remained at Iona for several years as a novice learning the disciplines of the monastic life.

Later Colman felt the call to return to Ireland and he asked St Columba how it would be possible to live there without being able to confess his sins to his abbot. St Colman said, 'Go to that pious man whom I see standing among the Angels and before the tribunal of Christ, on each Sunday night.' Colman asked, 'Who and what sort of man is he?' and the holy Abbot answered, 'There is a certain saintly and handsome man, in your part of the country, whose complexion is florid, whose eyes are brightly sparkling, and whose white locks of hair are thinly scattered on his head.' To this Colman replied, 'I know of no man answering this description, in my country, except Abbot Fintan.' Then St Columba confirmed, 'He it is, my son, whom I see before the tribunal of Christ, as I have already told you. Go to him, for he is a true shepherd of Christ’s flock and he shall bring many souls with him to the kingdom of Christ.'

Colman received the blessing of St Columba and set out on the journey to his native land. Comimg to St Fintan, Colman told him all that the holy Abbot of Iona had said. On hearing these things the elderly abbot blushed deeply so it seemed as though his face was on fire. He cautioned Colman not to report these things to anyone, at least, during his own lifetime.

Colman selected Oughaval, a town land within the present-day Parish of Stradbally in county Laois, as the site of his monastic settlement. The exact date of the founding of the monastery is unknown but it was shortly before the repose of Saint Fintan in about the year 595. The place can still be identified and the burial ground is still be use. However it is impossible recognise the actual church or monastic building since the stone was reused at the beginning of the 18th century to build a mausoleum. It was a mediaeval church until 18th century. The Mick walls and Tower at West End are very, very old.

Colman is very popular name in Ireland. The Martyrology of Donegal lists 96 saints of this name and the Book of Leinster records no less than 209. In addition there seems to be some confusion in ancient texts between Colman (Colmanus in Latin) and Columbanus. Not long before his own death, St Columba of Iona foresaw the death of a certain holy man named Columbanus, a bishop in the Province of Leinster and some hagiographers have identied this saint with St Colman of Oughaval. However, there seems to be no serious historical foundation for this assumption, and indeed we have no evidence that our patron was a bishop. As is well known, Celtic lands in general and Ireland in particular, during this period had few large settlements that could be described as cities or towns. Thus church administration was based more on the local monastery than on a diocesan structure. The abbot of a large monastery therefore had greater influence than most bishops whose basic function was to ordain.

The fate of St Colman’s monastic foundation is something of a mystery. It had ceased to function long before the Dissolution of the Monasteries under Henry VIII. The history of the monastery subsequent to the repose of St Colman is the subject of current research.

Saint Colman of Oughaval, pray to God for us!


Regular Services


Regular and Occasional Services

The parish is served by Fr Peter Baulk of the cathedral parish of the Dormition of the Mother of God and the Holy Royal Martyrs.

To make arrangements for baptisms, weddings, pannikhidas, and funerals, please contact Fr Peter or Mr Adrian Crosby.

Regular services are held on the last weekend of each month unless otherwise announced.  Vespers is served on Saturday evening at 6p.m. and the Divine Liturgy is served on Sunday morning at 10a.m.

Those wishing to receive Communion may approach Fr Peter for Confession either after Saturday Vespers or before the Sunday Liturgy.  Please allow sufficient time.


Our Patron Saint


Contact Details

The Church of St Colman is located on the Abbeyleix Road, approximately 1km from Stradbally, Co. Laois.

Enquiries may be made to Mr Adrian Crosby, Stradbally Hall, Co. Laois. Ireland.
Tel: +353 502 251 60

Father Peter Baulk may be contacted at 15 Suffolk Close, Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire. WD6 2SY
Tel: +44 208 953 5764
e-mail: FatherPeter@rocor.org.uk


Our Patron Saints

Regular Services


Saints, feasts, and readings for today.

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:2-12

Gospel Reading: Matthew 18:23-35

Holy Martyr Lawrence; Laurence the Holy Martyr & Archdeacon of Rome; Chitus of Athens, Bishop of Rome; Hippolytus the Martyr of Rome; Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

On Tuesday, the 10th of November, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside Russia, will visit our parish.  He plans to serve a moleben to St Elisabeth at about 4 o' clock in the afternoon, and then will be available to speak with us afterwards.  It would be good for as many as possible to be there to greet our metropolitan, who is taking time out of his schedule to be with us.

Pilgrimage to Pennant Melangell - 22/08/2013

On the 22nd of August, 2013, a small group of parishioners made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St Melangell in Powys.

Our Venerable Mother Melangell was an Irish princess in the 6th century.  Having fled to avoid her father's plans of forced marriage, she settled in the Welsh countryside, and there lived a life of prayer.

During her prayers, a hare took refuge beneath her cloak while fleeing from its hunter, the prince Brochwel, who, upon hearing Melangell's story, was so impressed by her piety that he gave her land on which to build a church.  This she did, and formed a community of nuns.  The monastery became a place of prayer and solace for many and, after Melangell's repose, her shrine became a place of pilgrimage.  Many healing miracles were attributed to her prayers.  This devotion continued long after the Schism of the western church, right up until the Protestant reformation.

When many of the holy places were being destroyed at the hands of the reformers, St Melangell's relics were removed from the shrine and concealed in the wall of the church by pious people.  Here, they faded from memory until the 20th century, when they were rediscovered.  The shrine was rebuilt, the relics were restored to their place of honour, and once again a stream of pilgrims make their way to ask the prayers of St Melangell.

The hospitality that we received from the shrine guardian crowned the day, and there was a true sense of spiritual kinship among us.  Here are a few photographs from the day.

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Visitation of the Kursk Icon of the Mother of God (Our Lady of the Sign) - 11/05/2012

On Friday the 11th of May, being the 28th of April by the Church calendar, His Eminence Archbishop Mark made a pastoral visitation to our parish, bringing with him the wonder-working Kursk Icon of Our Lady of the Sign.  This second visit of the icon to our parish since we moved into our new church was indeed a great blessing to us, as many people gathered from across the North and Northwest of England to ask the prayers of the Mother of God before her holy image.

We were pleased to welcome Fr Vladimir and Reader Nicolas from our cathedral in London, as well as Fr Gennady from the Manchester stavropegial parish of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God.  We were also delighted to have with us Fr Iakovos of the parish of St Nicholas in Liverpool, and Fr Pancratios from the parish of St Barbara in Chester, both representing the Greek Archdiocese.

Many thanks to all who helped to clean and beautify the church, who sang, took photographs, served, and travelled to make pilgrimage to venerate the Mother of God in her holy icon.  Through her intercessions, may Christ our God have mercy on us.

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Archbishop Mark's first visit to our new church - 16/07/2011

On the 16th of July, being the weekend before our patronal feast, our archbishop Mark visited our parish.  This was his first visit since we moved into the new church. He served the Divine Liturgy, blessed our iconostas and gave the parish a gift of some relics of Ss Elisabeth and Barbara, the New-Martyrs.  A Moleben was served before the parish icon and relics after the Liturgy (indoors, due to the rainy weather), and was followed by a festal parish meal.

We were pleased to welcome clergy from our sister diocese of Sourozh and friends from other ROCOR parishes, both in the Great Britain diocese and abroad, as well as Orthodox clergy and faithful from across the Northwest and Midlands.

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First Divine Liturgy of the St Nicholas Mission, Liverpool - 21/05/2011

The mission of St Nicholas was launched on Saturday, the 21st of May, 2010, being the 8th of May in the Church calendar and the feast of St John the Theologian.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy were served at the Anglican church of Our Lady and St Nicholas by kind permission of the clergy and parochial church council.

We were pleased to welcome regulars and newcomers, and delighted to see faces we had not seen for a while.  It is our hope that this mission will be a means of reaching out to enquirers and dispersed Orthodox residents and students in the Liverpool area.  This first Liturgy was very encouraging indeed and we pray that more people may come to find us through this effort.

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Great and Holy Week, 2011

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Blessing of a new Cross for the spire - 11/19/2010

On the Feast of St Nicholas, Fr Paul blessed the New Cross which has been made for the little tower on the top of St Elisabeth's. It is a copy of the ornate cross which had to be taken down as it was so corroded. The service of blessing was attended by some of The Friends of Rake Lane Cemetery and local Councillors Karen and Paul who are such a support to our little community. The cross was made at Cheshire Forge on the Argyle Industrial Estate and put in place by Mark Joynson and Steve Smith. It should be able to be seen as it is in a very prominant position overlooking the main road.

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Paul and Ludmilla's Wedding - 11/04/2010

Paul and Ludmilla were the first couple to be joined in Holy Matrimony in our new church.  It was a joyous occasion when they were surrounded by family, friends, and their parish family, on a bright, sunny day. May God grant them many, many years.

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Michael Astley ordained Subdeacon - 20/03/2010

On Saturday the 7th (20th) March, 2010, Archbishop Mark ordained Reader Michael Astley to the rank of subdeacon at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God, Chiswick, London.

Videos of the event may be viewed here.

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Metropolitan Hilarion of New York visits our parish - 10/11/2009

Our parish received a great blessing in the visitation of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the First Hierarch of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Approximately 25 parishioners and friends of the parish came to greet the Metropolitan, who served a moleben at church.  Here are a few photographs that were taken on the day. More may be found in the diocesan gallery.

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Patronal Festival - 18/07/2009

We moved into our new church on Saturday, the 5th (18th) of July, 2009, being the Feast of the Holy New Martyr Elisabeth. The church was still very much a work in progress but had begun to have the look and atmosphere of an Orthodox church. The day included the Blessing of the Waters, the Hours & Divine Liturgy, the outdoor Cross Procession, the showing of a DVD of the life of St Elisabeth, and Vespers.Here are some photographs of the day's events.

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A handful of photographs from the final Sunday at our Birkenhead chapel - 12/07/2009

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Final preparations for the move - 11/07/2009

As the day fast approaches for the move into our new church, parishioners gather to make final preparations.  Throughout the day, a number of visitors came in to say hello and find out what was happening, and some even helped with the cleaning.The gallery cover picture is a photograph of our new sign, with an icon used by kind permission of Olga Ivkin, whose work may be seen here.

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The Paschal Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil - 18/04/09

The Paschal Vigil, when we watch and wait for the Resurrection of Christ is one of the most beautiful and well-attended services of the Church's entire year, when the people of God shine with the radiance of the risen Christ.  However, what we know as the Paschal Vigil today actually replaced a more ancient vigil many centuries ago.  This "old" vigil consisted of a number of readings from the Old Testament, tracing God's work of salvation throughout the history of mankind, fulfilled in Christ's Resurrection.  The vestments and hangings would change from dark to light and it was the traditional time for the baptism of new Christians, who, after much preparation throughout Great Lent, would receive Communion for the first time at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection.

This service is still done today in most Orthodox Churches but has been transferred to the late afternoon of Great and Holy Saturday, taking on the character of Vespers. It is often a quiet service, with only a handful of people present - usually those who, through infirmity, responsibility of care to the young or vulnerable, or living some distance from church, would be unable to come to the night vigil.  This is their way of joining in the liturgical celebration of the bright Resurrection of Christ.  Here are some photographs from our celebration of this Liturgy at our chapel in Birkenhead.

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Hierarchical Divine Liturgy - 21/02/09

On Saturday, the 21st of February, 2009, being the 8th of February in the Church calendar and the Commemoration of the Departed, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin, Germany, and Great Britain visited our parish and served the Liturgy among his people.

The parish had gathered the evening before and served Vespers and a Pannykhida for the departed.  Vladyka arrived on Saturday morning and was warmly greeted by members of the parish.

During the Hours, Michael Astley was ordained as a Reader to serve in the parish.  The Divine Liturgy followed.  It was the first Hierarchical Liturgy at our little chapel of St Elisabeth and it saw approximately sixty people come to worship, including some visitors and some who learnt of us for the first time due to news of the visitation, and who have faithfully remained with us since.  Trapeza followed the Liturgy, and we sang many years for Vladyka.

Our parish is somewhat geographically isolated from the rest of the diocese and it was a great blessing indeed to have our bishop come to visit us, especially at this turning point in the life of our parish as we seek to move to a new building.  We offer our thanks to the All-holy Trinity, and pray that Vladyka Mark be granted many, many years.

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Parish Pilgrimage to St Winefride's well in Holywell - 26/05/2007

On the morning before Pentecost, a small group of parishioners and visitors met at the chapel of St Elisabeth for a Pannikhida, where we offered prayers and hymns for the repose of our departed loved ones, in the hope that God would show His mercy upon them and draw them to Himself.

Afterwards, we set off for the town of Holywell in North Wales where we were joined by more of our parish family and extended family to make pilgrimage to the holy well of St Winefride. At the generous hospitality of the custodian of the well, we shared lunch in the nave of the shrine church, before moving to the shrine shop and display, where we learnt more about the life of St Winefride.

We then moved to the well itself, which spring up on the site of the miraculous restoration to life of St Winefride after her beheading, by God's grace and at the hands of her uncle, St Beuno, at whose faith and intercession her head was restored to her. It was very moving indeed to learn of her faithfulness to God, even in the face of death. At the well, we sang Great Vespers of the Eve of Pentecost, and were sprinkled with water from the well. Some of the faithful drank of the water while others filled buckets and yet others bathed their feet in the pool which is fed by the well and which contains the very stone where St Winefride was beheaded.

The whole afternoon was spent in Christian love as we gathered in one place with one accord, as did the Apostles on the day of Pentecost so many years ago.

Holy Winefride, pray to God for us!

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Parish Pilgrimage to St Werburgh's Shrine - 13/02/2007

On the second day of his visitation to the parish, Vladyka led some clergy and a small group of the faithful in a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Werburgh in Chester Cathedral. St Werburgh was an Abbess at Ely and foundress of other monastic communities in the British Isles when these lands were still Orthodox.

We were treated to the generous hospitality of the Dean and staff at Chester Cathedral, who permitted us to use the Lady Chapel in the retro-choir for a Moleben service. We were then treated to a guided tour of the cathedral, and took a walk around Chester, visiting the ancient city walls, before returning to the cathedral refectory for a delicious lunch.

Some memories were captured in photograph and are reproduced here.

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An evening with Archbishop Kyrill - 12/02/2007

The parish is very grateful to the Synod and to Archbishop Kyrill of the Diocese of San Francisco and Western America for the opportunity to discuss some of the issues surrounding the pending restoration of normal relations with the Church in Russia, scheduled to reach completion on the 17th of May this year. There have been some difficult times, especially with the recent schism in the Diocese of Great Britain and the departure of some of our beloved fellow parishioners, so it was good to have the chance to speak about this, face-to-face, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Vladika was helpfully clear and heart-warmingly candid about the situation and his own experiences, and many of us walked away feeling much more hopeful about our future as a church and a diocese.

This gathering also gave us the chance to see people whom we don't see very often and to welcome one of our friends from the Moscow Patriarchate, and, as is usually the case when Orthodox people get together, there was food aplenty. Also with us were Fr Andrew Phillips from the Parish of St John the Wonderworker in Felixstowe, and Fr Michael from the St Petroc Monastery in Tasmania.

Here are a few photographs of the evening.

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Emma Melagell Dale was received into the Orthodox Church on Saturday 8th April. She made her first holy communion on Lazarus Saturday. We welcome her as a full member of the church and pray that her Christian life may be most blessed. Many years!

Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God
Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God
Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God
Bishop Irinei of Sacramento
Bishop Irinei of Sacramento
Bishop Irinei of Sacramento
Visit of His Grace Irinei of Sacramento

On Tuesday 16th May Vladika Irinei is coming to our parish. He is accompanying the Myrrh Streaming Icon of the Mother of God of Hawaii and will be attending the concert which Lyra, a small professional choral quartet from St Petersburg at 19:30 that evening. The outline of the day is below.

Akathist of the Mother of God    18:15

Veneration of the icon         19:00

Concert of traditional Russian music 19:30

Please tell everyone to come that evening. As visitors come to the concert, this is an important opportunity to witness to our faith, so as many of you as possible should attempt to attend the veneration of the icon.

There will be lots to do so all hands on deck please!

On Wednesday 17th May Vladika Irinei will serve a quiet Hierarchal Liturgy in  St Elisabeth's at 07:30. The Icon will be present at the service

After the Liturgy, there will be a light breakfast and then Vladika will leave for Wales.

There will be a service in Holywell at about 11:00 before Vladika leaves for Cardiff.


On the Feast of St Longinus the Centurion, 29th October 1993, Father Alexis blessed a tiny wooden church in the drive of Fr Paul's house in Westbank Road, Birkenhead. He then served there from time to time until Fr Paul and Matushka moved to Shrewsbury Road in Oxton in August 1995. The parish continued to be served by Fr Alexis or Fr Peter until Fr Paul was ordained priest in July 1998. Today, in thanksgiving for many blessings, a new reliquery icon of St John Maximovich will be blessed at the Divine Liturgy. It contains the relic of St John given to the parish by Vladika Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco, last May. The workers of the Holy Protection Workshop in Alaska gave the icon as a gift to the parish as they were so moved that their icon would be used to carry the relic. 

Lizzie Elliott and a group of her friends from the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester put on a concert in St Elisabeth's on Friday 8th December at 7:30 p.m. The concert raised over £400 for the Fund for Assistance in support of the ROCOR parishes in Haiti.  You can still support this venture by visiting continentalchristmas@gmail.com / 07860649979. A big thank you to all the musicians.

Palm Sunday - 1st April 

Blessing of Palms and Festal Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.

Palms are blessed and distributed just before the Divine Liturgy of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.  Please try to arrive early and bring palms,  pussy willow or other greenery to be blessed.

Great and Holy Wednesday - 4th April 

Holy Unction at 7:00 p.m.

The service of Holy Unction consists of a number of Epistle and Gospel readings, each reminding us of the healing brought to us by Christ.  In his general Epistle, St James, the Brother of the Lord, exhorts the local churches, saying 'Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord' (James 5:14).  The faithful should have been to confession during Great Lent.

Great and Holy Thursday - 5th April 

On this day, we commemorate the Mystical Supper, at which Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist.

Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil at 08:45 a.m.

12 Gospels Service 7:00 p.m.

This is the first service of Good Friday, traditionally served on Thursday evening.  It is a quiet, reflective service, taking the form of a solemn meditation on the twelve Gospel readings of the Lord's Passion.  The Cross of the Saviour is solemnly carried into the mist of the church as a focus for our devotion. 

Great and Holy Friday - 6th April 

The Royal Hours at 9:45 a.m.

On Good Friday, it is customary to serve the Royal Hours (The First, Third, Sixth, and Ninth hours) together as a single service.  On this day, the hours take a special form, with additional hymns and readings of the Passion.

Vespers with the Burial of the Lord at 4:00 p.m.

This traditional and beautiful service is a transition between Good Friday and  Holy Saturday when the Savour rested in the tomb.  We meditate upon the suffering and death of the Lord as we enter into the devotion with which those who loved the Saviour  buried His Body.  The burial shroud of the Saviour is placed in the centre of the church, covered in flowers and rose water. It remains there for veneration by the faithful until the Midnight Office. 

Great and Holy Saturday - 7th April  

Father Paul will be in Church from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and again from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. to prepare for Pascha. Confessions will be heard from 7:30 p.m. Paschal foods may be blessed during the day

The reading of the Acts of the Apostles at 9:30 p.m. in many languages

We read the Acts of the Apostles, listening to the spread of the Church in the early days after the Resurrection of the Saviour.

The Midnight Office at 11:30 p.m.

This service is a beautiful meditation on the Body of the buried Saviour by candlelight, with the focus shifting to the hope of the Resurrection.  Towards the end, the burial shroud of the Saviour is solemnly lifted and  placed on the Holy Table where it remains  until the Feast of the Ascension. All lights are then put out as we prepare for the New Fire of Pascha.



The Radiant Resurrection of our Lord and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ  - 7/8th April 

Paschal Matins, Procession and Liturgy at Midnight


This follows immediately from the Midnight Office on the Saturday night.  The faithful  light their candles from the Paschal Candle held by the Priest then they go in procession around the outside of the church,  representing the Myrrh-bearing women, who came to the tomb of the Saviour while it was still dark, to find that the Lord had risen.  The people re-enter the church to find that it has been transformed to reflect the glorious Resurrection of Christ, and Matins of Easter Day is served. After the Paschal Hours, the Divine Liturgy is served.

For those who need to arrange transportation or accommodation, it may be useful to know that the services usually end at between 3 and 4 o' clock in the morning.

The Midnight Paschal service  is followed by a bring-and-share party.  Please bring food and drink.  All are welcome.

Sunday   Paschal Vespers and blessing of Paschal Foods 9:45 a.m. - 8th April

This service is brief and joyful. Paschal foods are blessed at the end. The church is normally closed by about 11:30 a.m.

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life!

Reader Nicholas is presented to Vladika
Reader Nicholas is presented to Vladika
Reader Nicholas is presented to Vladika
Reader Nicholas is clothed in the short phelon
Reader Nicholas is clothed in the short phelon
Reader Nicholas is clothed in the short phelon
Reader Nicholas is clothed in his stichar
Reader Nicholas is clothed in his stichar
Reader Nicholas is clothed in his stichar
Sunday 27th May to Sunday 10th June



Services for September and October

  • This coming Sunday there will be the blessing of Pupils and Students for the beginning of the new academic year at the end of the Liturgy.
  • There is an extra Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.on Thursday 27th September for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We are being joined by some of the sisters from the Convent of St Elisabeth in Minsk and Fr Anatole from the Pokrov parish in Manchester. The sisters will bring some Christmas Cards and other items if you wish to purchase any.
  • The Liturgy will be served as usual on every Sunday in September.
  • Fr Paul is in Belfast again on the 7th and 8th of September.
  • Fr Paul will be at the London Cathedral from Monday 17th to Saturday 22nd September for the Consecration of the Cathedral
  • Fr Paul has put the abbreviated confession on the website. Most of the material is in English but there are also parts in Russian. You can find it at http://newmartyr.info/liturgica.html. Fr Paul is grateful to Yulia Rodgers for correcting his Russian typing!
  • The next choir practice  will be announced shortly. This  normally takes place at Father Paul's house CH43 2HY

The Choir has  recorded parts of the Liturgy. You can find the these here. or in the drop down menu under 'Our Worship' here..

Media at St Elisabeth's.  Father Paul records the Readings and the sermon of each Sunday when he remembers. These  recordings can be found under the tab 'Weekly Sermons' on the drop down menu on the left hand side of the website. Just click on the underlined text.



Sunday 28th January

Nicholai Papdopoulos and his daughter Sophia have organised a Sunday School for children of the Parish aged 4 (Reception) and above. It takes place on the last Sunday of each month (Not August or December) as the food is being prepared for the parish meal after the Liturgy. There is a song, a story, something to colour in and some teaching in English. The Sunday School will last about 10 - 15 minutes. As it develops we hope to have a yearly outing and perhaps a party. It is a way of treasuring and developing our Orthodox young people. It  met for the first time on Sunday January 28th straight after the Liturgy. The next Sunday School is on Sunday 25th February during the Annual General Meeting of the Parish. Please support this new venture in the life of our parish.

Great Vespers of the Feast of the Ascension at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 5th June

Divine Liturgy of the Feast of the Ascension at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday 6th June

Divine Liturgy of Pentecost is at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday 16th June followed by the Kneeling Prayers.

The parish has committed itself to a completely new heating system using German Technology. This will cost us exactly £12,000. In addition, there is still a lot of pointing to be done and at least 6 more windows to be restored. The estimate for the East Window alone is £3,400. The two side windows in the altar will cost £800 each and the re-sanding of the floor will cost £250. There will be additional costs for redecoration of the interior. An appeal will be launched shortly with the blessing of Bishop Irenei. Further details of our appeal will appear very soon.

There will be a Divine Liturgy at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday 19th December for the Feast of St Nicholas the Wonderworker followed by Vegan Mince pies and mulled wine.

There will be an extra Liturgy on Saturday 15th February for the Feast of the Meeting. The Liturgy itself will start at 10.10 a.m. The blessing of candles will be at 10.00 a.m.

On Sunday 16th February, candles will be blessed towards the end of the Liturgy.

Please bring your candles to be blessed.

Vladika Irenei is visiting our parish on Friday 13th March. He will serve the Unction Service that evening at 6.00 p.m. for those Orthodox Christians who find it difficult to travel to London for this service. Orthodox Christians who have recently made their confessions may present themselves for this important sacrament. Children under 7 are not normally anointed. 

Please make every effort to attend this service and tell Orthodox friends to also make the effort to attend.


There will be an extra Liturgy in the morning in  St Elisabeth's at 9.00 a.m. with an opportunity to meet with Vladika afterwards over coffee before he leaves for Telford.


The Vesperal Liturgy of St John Chrysostom of the Annunciation will be served on Tuesday 7th April at 9.45 a.m. behind closed doors in Little St Elisabeth's.

The services of Great Week will be published shortly but will be served behind closed doors in Little St Elisabeth's unless the current restrictions have been lifted. 

Please note that, should it remain possible to do so, the Mysteries of Holy Communion and Unction will continue to be offered to the faithful in St Elisabeth's, Wallasey by arrangement with Fr Paul on 07926194031 or frpaulelliott@aol.com

Provisional outline is as follows: 24/ 25th May to 1st or 2nd June 2020

Father Paul and Matushka Elizabeth are booked on El Al Flight from Manchester Airport departing at 22.15 on Sunday 24th May and arriving at 05.30 at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International. They are returning on Tuesday 2nd June on El Al from Tel Aviv at 17.30 arriving in Manchester at 21.10. Flights appear to be booking up quickly so pilgrims should book their own flights as soon as possible.

If you are travelling from Manchester, you are recommended to take these flights as they are direct. If you are travelling from London, Germany or the USA please let us know arrival times etc so that our journey from Tel Aviv on Monday 25th May can be coordinated. We have pilgrims from St Elisabeth's, The London Cathedral Parish, St Colman's Stradbally, Parishioners in Germany and a friend from the USA. The list is now closed.

  • Monday 25th May Arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, Transfer to  Galilee. Visit to Nazareth. Temple of the Archangel Gabriel. Visit to Cana and Capernaum then transfer to Jerusalem. Check into Pilgrims Hostel
  • Tuesday 26th May Mount of Beautitudes and Mt Tabor. Church of Transfiguration. Ancient Nablus. Jacob's Well
  • Wednesday 27th May Visit to Bethlehem, the Field of the Shepherds, Monastery of the Holy Cross. Vigil of Ascension.
  • Thursday 28th May Ascension of our Saviour. Divine Liturgy in Elion on Mt of Olives. Transfer to Sinai. Stay in Pilgrims Hostel at St Catherine's Monastery.
  • Friday 29th May Monastery of St Catherine, Mt Sinai
  • Saturday 30th May Night Climb of  Mount Horeb with Divine Liturgy at the summit. Rest and return to Jerusalem.
  • Sunday 31st May Liturgy St Mary Magdalene's Convent, Gethsemane , Church of the Holy Sepulcre, Sorrowful Way of the Saviour..
  • Monday 1st June  Divine Liturgy at St Mary Magdalene's Convent. Quiet Day in Jerusalem. Final visit to the Shrine of St Elisabeth, Gethsemane.
  • Tuesday 2nd June Transfer to airport and return home to the UK for those travelling with El Al (4 pilgrims are staying on for a few extra days)

Our main pilgrim Hostel is in Jerusalem. There are twin rooms and currently 15 rooms have been reserved. We will stay in the Pilgrim Hostel at St Catherine's Monastery. The programme above is current. Our guide is Father Roman, one of our ROCOR Priests in the Holy Land. The flights are extra...see above...these are currently between £320 and £380 return including Airport Taxes but with Hand Baggage only.

We now have revised costs in US Dollars. For the main party it will be $1067 which is currently about £820.71 So far no one has taken advantage of the  payment scheme. Pilgrims can still spread the costs of their stay in the Holy Land over the next 5 months if they wish. This makes a payment of £164 per month. Should Pilgrims wish to pay in full, payments should be complete by 24th April 2020 as Father Paul will have to pay the company in the Holy Land in advance for the number of Pilgrims staying. Cheques should be made payable to "The Parish of St Elisabeth the New Martyr" or you can pay by BACS into the account which is Sort Code 30-15-52 Account Number 43401360.  Pilgrims will need some spending money for lunches/ snacks /drinks etc, for donations to the Holy Sites and for shopping.

The parish has a completely new heating system using German Technology. This has cost us exactly £12,000. The heating has now been installed. Please note, you do not need to wrap up quite so warmly as before as it is very efficient! The floor has also been resanded and looks beautiful. There is still a lot of pointing to be done and at least 6 more windows to be restored. The estimate for the East Window alone is £3,400. The two side windows in the altar will cost £800 each. There will be additional costs for redecoration of the interior. If you would like to adopt a window or help in any way towards these projects please speak to Father Paul.


Wednesday 19th January : Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters for Holy Theophany 10.00 a.m.

Saturday 22nd January : Divine Liturgy at 9.00 a.m.

Sunday 23rd January : Baptismal Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. followed by blessing of the Waters at New Brighton.

St Elisabeth's will be hosting the Holy Kursk Root Icon from the evening of Saturday 19th March 2022  through to the afternoon of 20th March.

It will be present in Church for Vespers on Saturday evening which will start at 6.30 p.m.

It will be present at the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy on Sunday 20th March at 10.00 a.m. during which there will also be a Diaconal Ordination. It will be greeted with the Bishop at 9.45 a.m.

(There will be no confessions after that 9.45 a.m. Try to make your confession on Saturday either at the Liturgy in the morning or at Vespers in the evening or come early to church on the Sunday.)

The service of Unction will be served at about 3.00 p.m. by Bishop Irenei and local clergy after some light Lenten refreshments.

N.B. The Monday service is cancelled.


Further details will appear shortly. There may be the possibility of a very small number of home visits on the journey from Telford to Merseyside. Priority will be given to those in particular need .


Holy Pentecost
Holy Pentecost
Holy Pentecost


We will prepare the church for Pentecost on Saturday 11th early afternoon before Children's Church. 

Holy Pentecost: Holy Liturgy and kneeling prayers. Sunday 12th June: 10:00 a.m. followed by cake...


Icon Exhibition at St Elisabeth's 14th July 2022 at 6.00 p.m.


Father Justin is exhibiting a collection of his icons at St Elisabeth's on Thursday 14th July 2022 in St Elisabeth's at 6.00 p.m. in the evening. During the evening there will be a welcome and reception at 6.00 p.m. Lizzie Elliott and Alison Sailor will entertain us with some music and Father Justin will give a short talk. Everyone is welcome. Please come and tell your friends. There will be crisps and drinks on arrival. For further details email Fr Justin:                       


Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God


Vespers and Burial Service of the Mother of God at 5.00 p.m. Saturday 27th August

Divine Liturgy and blessing of Fragrant Herbs 10.00 a.m. Sunday 28th August followed by contribution meal (fast free)


There wil be a service of Great Compline of Eve of Theophany on Wednesday 18th January at 6.00 p.m. Fr Paul available to hear confessions.

For the Feast day itself ,the Hours will be at 9:30 a.m. followed by the Blessing of the Waters before the Liturgy so please bring bottles so that you can take the water away with you. Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Theophany on Thursday 19th January at approximately 10.00 a.m. This is a Baptismal Liturgy with 5 adults being baptised. The following Sunday, the 22nd January  we will  Bless the Mersey in New Brighton. This year we will try to gather at the Perch Rock car park. It will be high tide at about 11.40 a.m. so we may have to walk out some way to bless the waters this year. Let us hope for reasonable weather. This kind of extends the feast of Theophany enabling those who cannot take time off work for the feast to partake of some of the joy of the occasion but also, as a missionary activity so that the local people see that we Orthodox Christians are alive and well and thriving in Merseyside.


On the Great Feast of the Meeting when our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ is brought to the Temple on the 40th day St Elisabeth's will bless candles as usual. The services of the Feast will be

Tuesday 14th February:  Vespers at 6.00 p.m. 

Wednesday 15th February: Hours at 10.00 a.m. followed by the blessing of candles 

Baptismal Divine Liturgy at 10.30 a.m.

Saturday 18th February: Divine Liturgy at the Mission Parish of St John the Baptist in Durham.

Sunday 19th February : Hours, blessing of candles and Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m.

The Pascha of the Lord
The Pascha of the Lord
The Pascha of the Lord

Christ is risen! Христосъ воскресе!


Christ is risen from the dead,Trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs bestowing life!


Хрїстосъ воскресе изъ мертвыхъ, Смертїю смерть поправъ, И сѹщымъ во гробѣхъживотъ даровавъ!


Lazarus Saturday Baptismal Divine Liturgy at 9.00 a.m.

Blessing of palms and branches 9.45 a.m.

Palm Sunday Liturgy 10.00 a.m.

Great Monday: Bridegroom Matins 6.00 p.m.

Great Tuesday: Bridegroom Matins 6.00 p.m.

 Matins 6.00 p.m.

Great Thursday: Vesperal Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. and 12 Gospels Service at 6.00 p.m.

Great Friday: Royal Hours 9.45 a.m and Burial Service of the Saviour at 4.00 p.m.

Great Saturday: Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil at 9.00 a.m. blessing of Paschal Foods

Reading of the Acts of the Apostles: 9.30 p.m.

Midnight office and procession: 11.30 p.m.


Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy 00.00 a.m. and Paschal Breakfast

Agape Vespers 9.45 a.m. and blessing of Paschal Foods





Our Altar Feast this year is on Sunday 23rd July 2023. There will be vespers at 6.00 p.m. on the evening before. On Sunday the day begins with the Blessing of the Waters at 8.30 a.m. We greet Vladika Irenei at 9.45 a.m. The Hierarchal Liturgy follows. During the hours Oswald Sidall will be tonsured as our parish Reader. At the end of the Liturgy there will be a moleben and Cross Procession. After the services have concluded there will be a reception/ contribution lunch in church. This just about coincides with Fr Paul's 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood (26/07/1998). Please do your utmost to attend this very special occasion.


Wednesday 1st May: Great Wednesday: 9th Hour 4.30 p.m. Presanctified Liturgy at 5:30 p.m.


Thursday 2nd May: Great Thursday: Vesperal Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. and Twelve Gospels Service at 6:00 p.m.


Friday 3rd May: Great Friday: Royal Hours at 9:30 a.m. and Burial Service of the Lord at 4:00 p.m. followed by the Lamentations


Saturday 4th May. Great Saturday. Vesperal Liturgy at 9.30 a.m.

Cleaning and decoration of the Church from 12:00 noon Blessing of Paschal foods

Reading of the Acts of the Apostles at 9:30 p.m.


Midnight Office 11:30 p.m. PROCESSION at Midnight.




Sunday 5th May: Agape Vespers and Blessing of Paschal Foods at 9:30 a.m.


Monday 6th May: Bright Monday Divine Liturgy and Procession of the Artos 9.30 a.m.

Tuesday 7th May: Bright Tuesday Divine Liturgy 9.30 a.m.


Saturday 11th May: Bright Saturday :

Divine Liturgy 8.30 a.m. and Pilgrimage to Holywell.

Blessing of the Waters at Holywell and opportunity to take the Waters by prior arrangement.

Vespers at 5.00 p.m. back at St Elisabeth's. Visit of Reader Nicholai and London Cathedral Youth Group.

All blessed to come on Pilgrimage...no age limit!


Sunday 12th May: Thomas Sunday: Divine Liturgy 10.00 a.m. distrubution of the Artos


Sunday 19th May: Sunday of the Myrrh Bearers 10:00 a.m.  (Fr Paul and pilgrims in Georgia) 








His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe will be visiting St Elisabeth's on the evening of Saturday 20th July for Vespers. Then on Sunday 21st July he will be greeted at 9.45 a.m. followed by a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, moleben and Cross Procession. After the Liturgy there will be a contribution meal in Church to mark the 15th Anniversary of our parish moving to the church  in Wallasey.Tuesday 4th April. 


The Myrrh Streaming Hawaiian icon of the Mother of  God will be visiting our parish on Monday 11th November and Tuesday 12th November. Services are as follows. 

Monday 11th November

Formal meeting of the icon at 7.00 p.m.

Vespers, Moleben and Akathist: 7.05 p.m.

Talk by Fr Nectarios about the icon

Concluding prayers and opportunity to venerate the icon 9.00 p.m. until 9.45 p.m.

Tuesday 12th November 

Divine Liturgy at 7.00 a.m.

Breakfast 8.40 a.m. 

Depart 9.30 a.m.

Further details text Fr Pail on 07926194031

The Myrrh Streaming Hawaiian icon of the Mother of  God will be visiting our parish on Monday 11th November and Tuesday 12th November. Services are as follows. 

Monday 11th November

Formal meeting of the icon at 7.00 p.m.

Vespers, Moleben and Akathist: 7.05 p.m.

Talk by Fr Nectarios about the icon

Concluding prayers and opportunity to venerate the icon 9.00 p.m. until 9.45 p.m.

Tuesday 12th November 

Divine Liturgy at 7.00 a.m.

Breakfast 8.40 a.m. 

Depart 9.30 a.m.

Further details text Fr Pail on 07926194031

Christmas Services


Sunday 5th January: Divine Liturgy  Forefeast of Christmas

Monday 6th January: Royal Hours 7.30 a.m.

                                     Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil 9.30 a.m.

                                     Great Compline and Matins 6.00 p.m.

Tuesday 7th January: Divine Liturgy : 10.00 a.m. followed by contribution Christmas Dinner


The Icon of Theophany
The Icon of Theophany
The Icon of Theophany

Saturday 18th January                                            9:00 a.m.  Baptismal Liturgy of St John Chrysostom                                                               6.00 p.m. Vigil of Theophany


Sunday 19th January 10:00 a.m.                      Hours, Blessing of the Waters and Divine Liturgy of Theophany 

1:30 p.m. approximately for Blessing of the Mersey at New Brighton by the Fortress car park CH45 2JU (Fish and Chips locally afterwards)




This website is published with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe, (ROCOR)

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